

Target Audience


Users do not shop around for different websites

I conducted user interviews, which I then turned into empathy maps to better understand the target user and their needs. I discovered that target users do not shop around for different websites, as a rule stick to the same source of information, even though has some negative experience with website features.

initial interviews

Note taking is not working when you are alone with user

I have interviewed 6 users to find out pain points of searching for rent.  Practice showed that note taking is not working when you are alone with user, "Voice recorder" app on the phone is the best choice. All interviews were transcribed after. I did not do pre-screenings, but those users from my circle who actually recently moved or searching for rent for long stay or vacation rent.

Users provided a lot of interesting details; findings have been grouped into several categories:


Personas and problem statements

After creating personas, empathy maps, aggravated empathy maps and corresponding aggravated user journeys several problems statement became focus of our study: 

Aggravated 1
Aggravated 2

Paper and Digital Wireframes

Usability Findings

Usability studies


Mockups and Prototypes

Responsive design

After creating HIFI mockups and prototype, website was re-designed for additional three devices and I started design system. I practiced exporting project via Zeplin.



I need to conduct follow-up usability testing on the hifi prototype for all devices. Identify any additional areas of need and ideate on new features. Change and test new green color which did not pass Wcag. Check landmarks to help users navigate the site, including users who rely on assistive technology.

Design alt text available on each page for smooth screen reader access.